Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pronounce itu penting?

Lee Sum Wan : Hello can i speak to Annie Wan

Mr Sori : Yes u could speak to me.

Lee Sum Wan: No, i want to speak to Annie Wan!

Mr Sori : You are talking to someone! Who is this?

Lee Sum Wan : Im Sum Wan. And i need to talk to Annie Wan! Its urgent.

Mr Sori : I know u are someone and u want to talk to anyone! But whats this urgent matter about?

Lee Sum Wan : Well just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother was involved in an accident. Noe Wan got injured and now Noe wan is being sent to the hospital. Right now Avery Wan is going to the hospital.

Mr Sori : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital from the accident that isnt an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but i dont have time for this!!!

Lee Sum Wan : You are rude. Who are you?

Mr Sori : I’m Sori.

Lee Sum Wan : You should be sorry. Now give me your name!

Mr Sori : I’m Sori!!

Lee Sum Wan : I dont like your tone of voice Mr and i dont care, give me your name!

Mr Sori : Look lady, I told you already Im Sori! Im Sori!! Im SORI !!! you didnt even give me your name!

Lee Sum Wan : I told u before im Sum Wan! Sum Wan!!! You better be careful my father is Sum Buddy. And my uncle holds a very big position in the co. He is Noe Buddy.

Mr Sori : Oh im so scared (sarcastically). Look i dont care about ur uncle he’s a nobody. Everybody thinks his top dog and holding an important position in the company.

Lee Sum Wan : No Avery Buddy just married my aunt. And Avery Buddy doesn’t work there.

Mr Sori : Like i said i dont care which one of ur aunt screws everybody and i also know that not everybody works here! Jeez!!!

Lee Sum Wan : Wheech Wan is my sis!

Mr. Sori : I dont know which one is ur sis! Why in gods name u think i do!? Look i got work to do and if im feeling mischievious i’ll broadcast it on the P.A system saying. “Attention, someone called and said that anyones brother just got involved in an accident. But not to worry no one got injured and no one was sent to the hospital. But everyone is going to the hospital anyways. The father maybe a somebody but if u’re their uncle, u’re a nobody. “how bout that!? 
Toot… .Toot… .Toot… …


Wirda Azurainie said...

hahaha. im sori! telataaaa la ;)
however, im wirda :D
*xde kena mengena. hehe

L said...

wirda>> hak3,,, taw2, nieh wirda gadis f1 yg comots!! hek3

fim said...

er..pronounce tu memang leceh..banyak sangat bunyi yang same tapi ade makne lain..kecian btol cinabeng nie..

Wirda Azurainie said...

heyyy. malu itewww tau . haah. sampai sekarang still comot T__T

L said...

fim>> hek3, sian2.. tu la pntingnyer pronounce hek3

Apih El Nino said...

Kena eja satu-satu la kalau jadi kes kat atas ni. Hahaha...

L said...

wirda>> adoss, sory3, eh3 yeker, asal nmpk kiut jerk, kt mner comoy nyer. kui4

L said...

apih>> hek3, lebih kurg g2 la bro.. kui4

nazirulhazwan~ said...

nice2 bro.hehe

Unknown said...

haha....Tq for making my day..

misSbLurRy said...

sampai ke sudah la jawabnya

fasheeha said...

Hahaha. adehh siut jek nama mcm tu. Org cina nama mat saleh tu =P

D.S.R said...

hehehe menarik3!! ^^

n i k a d i l a said... sengal jek kan?tp kelakar!heheh.kalo L xtulis satu2 cmtu,dyla pom xpaham jgk kot.hahahah:)

izyan said...

menarik&klako :)

Anonymous said...

haiih...plik2 jer.. :)
slahkan nama yg plik kah?
pronounciation tu penting..even ejaan tu tak betul..
sbb tu skrg ni rmi j org type ejaan plik2..tpi ble sebutnya same je cam ejaan asal..

Wahida Nasution Thakhrim said...

ha3.. kesian betul.. kalau tak boleh nak sebut betul2 jangan kasi nama dan ejaan pelik2..

Cikpuan Qiqi said...

hahaha..mental btol kalo nk cite lagu ni..mmg xphm punye yg mdengar..hahaha

fatihah azemi said... one lah! haha

NajwaNadia^.^ said...

ngahahaha... penting gak pronounce ni ekk.. pun penting! haha..kalau tak jadi macm ni lah.

L said...

naziru; hazwan>> yarh2,, tq bro,, singah la selalu eeh.. =)

L said...

ogosh>> same2.. keh2, singah la selalu kalu nk buat the making lagi.. keh3

L said...

missblury>> a'ah smpai kesudah la .. ko neey psaipa pulok, nk baby pulok katanyer.. huhu

L said...

faseha>> ahaks! lol. org cina bese laaa.. keh3.. nme pelik2 belaka.. kui3

L said...

dyalova>> eh2,, menarik ker,, kui3, dtg la selalu.. keh3

L said...

dyla>> hek3,, naseb bek phm eeeh,, hek3,, kalu xphm ,... ish3

n i k a d i l a said...

dlu.lect penah tnjukkan 1 video ttng ney.bdak laki gelak abes tp pempuan blur je.rupe2nye video tu berbaur lcah..dye nk sebut coke,tp trsebut pkataan laen..phm sndri la ek?:p

L said...

izyan>> nice to c u komen here.. thx yo...

L said...

sha>> xsalah... keh.. betol2,, tules bukan main pelik,,, tp L pom wat g2 gk.. hek3

L said...

wahida>> nk wat cmna,, mak pak diorg nk bg nama pelik2 gk.. hek3

L said...

cik qiqi>> hek3, mmg pom. mental habez L neeyh.. keh3

L said...

tihah>> hek3, cool itu syae.. huahuahua.. eh3.. bile balek mktab??

L said...

najwa>> hek3. yarh pronouciation itu penting !! hek3

L said...

nik adila>> hahaha, xphm2,, L xphm la pulok.. =)

n i k a d i l a said...


L said...

hahaha, betol,, tidak kuh phm... aper yg dyla cuber sampaikan?? =)

n i k a d i l a said...

alaaa..adush dush2.xnk ckp lah,dyla pom xtaw ape.clasmate yg video tuh memg berbaur lucah.bhye ooo..

L said...

hhahaha. yerla3.. dh phm laa. sjer jek usik.. hek3,, yerh,, naseb l xreti tgk2 video neeyh.. huhu

syufaa said...

hahaha..annie wan vs sum wan? haiyohhh =_="

Anonymous said...

hahha..baik punya cerita!!

n i k a d i l a said...

oo.jht ea??hahahha..vdeo tu nk ckp sal pggnaan bhs iggris cyan kat gurl la,abes2an kna,sbb xtaw ape..huhuh.nmpk sgt pronounce tu pentg!:):)

atieyariesa said...

kelakar la ar...

liya alia said...

penin klu ada org mcm ni..

Unknown said...

hilarious!! haha..lawok sunggoh..

hanna sofea said...


L said...

syfa>> yes,, me VS you.. hek3

L said...

misyamissyou>> mmg baik mcm L.. hek3

L said...

nik adila>> hahaha, mmg jht pom,, dh lamer dh.. hek4

fatihah azemi said...

jumaat malam naik bas smpai la kat sane pagi sabtu..semangat bukan??sob3..kalu ku tau daftar 3hb mmg mai ari sabru ah T_T

L bile pegi maktab?

L said...

all about life>> hek3. kelako mcm kamooo.. kuang3

L said...

razeila>> a'ah kita gk pening.. kn senng kalu bph namer abjad jek,, mcl L.. huhhu sesenang abc

L said...

hatikah azmi>> hek3,, hillorious tu gapo yo?? huhu

L said...

nur hikmah>> ko la sengal lol!! haha

L said...

keh3, mmg semgt gilo!!! hahaha. L balek ari sbtu gk.. pg tgh hr sampai kott. bergantung pd laju ke x bwk motonyer nt.. hek3 tp xper L taw l pmndu berhemah,, 60kmj jek.. kui3

Unknown said...

hillorious?? den xdpt kesan maksud dio..
den tulih hilarious leh XD LOL

Fatimah -Riiko- said...

erk....kesian kalau org nama cm2..XD

L said...

hatikah>> amboi,, den terslah eja ja pom.. kui3

L said...

fatimah>> hek3. sian kan.. ish3

Anonymous said...

salahkan mak bapak dorg sebab bg name cam tu...
kan senang bagi nama macam ni..
hello i'm nadhiah..
(muka tak bersalah.. padahal lansung tak der kne mengena)huhuhu

L said...

hahahaha, eh3, tp xper sedap jugk nama tuhh, =)

Anonymous said...

my name is matdin hehehe...

Unknown said...

haha..bkn pronounciation je pntg ye, ejaan pn sama hehe.. den melawok touching2 ye XD

L said...

matdin>> hahahaha,, betol2,,simple n mudah engat kn.. keh3

L said...

hatikah>> ahhaha, xder touching2 laaa.. besela tuuh,, melawak.. kui3

fatihah azemi said...

haha..pandu elok2 naa..jangan merempit kat high way sudah.. :p

L said...

tihah>> okeyyh.. kui3. u pom samer, soh pmndu bus tue jgn mengimpak maksima atas jln tuuee,, huhu

-S- said...

gelak , berdekak trgolek2 . haha :DD