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"Azlan (Saiful Apek), a chalet worker in Bagan Lalang, receives an envelope requesting him to go to a law firm in Kuala Lumpur. Upon arrival, he is surprised to discover that he has a twin brother named Azrul, whom he meets for the first time. The reason they are gathered is because of their late-father's will, which states certain requirements that needs to be fulfilled in order for them to inherit RM50 million. Among the odd requests listed is that they must get married to their first wife within three months and make sure their second wife was an orphaned child" ...
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Mediafire part 1
Mediafire part 2
Mediafire part 3
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
4 Madu [2010]
"Azlan (Saiful Apek), a chalet worker in Bagan Lalang, receives an envelope requesting him to go to a law firm in Kuala Lumpur. Upon arrival, he is surprised to discover that he has a twin brother named Azrul, whom he meets for the first time. The reason they are gathered is because of their late-father's will, which states certain requirements that needs to be fulfilled in order for them to inherit RM50 million. Among the odd requests listed is that they must get married to their first wife within three months and make sure their second wife was an orphaned child" ...
Download here :
Mediafire part 1
Mediafire part 2
Mediafire part 3
Tuan Pengetua yg Ensem seket jerk!

- L
- i'm juz a simple guy, love to find sumthing new, love to say 'yes',ha3,never regret of anything wat i have done and i'm a bad guy! hahahaha
Jom bacer seket!
Diriwayatkan daripada Anas r.a: “ Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bersabda: ” Tidak ada seorang pun di antara kalian dipandang beriman sebelum ia menyayangi saudaranya sesama Muslim seperti halnya ia menyayangi dirinya sendiri.” |
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Hantu kak limah pulang ke kampung, takde link download ke? ho.ho. =)
bawu lg la lol... hek3... =)
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